SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is a technology that provides data authentication and encryption for data transmitted over the internet. It ensures the information transmitted between two systems (typically a server and a client) remains private and secure. In the current era of increasing cyber crimes, using SSL to protect the information on your website is essential, and understanding HTTPS is crucial.

Data can be transmitted with or without the use of SSL. The SSL port number indicates whether a connection is secure or not. By default, HTTPS connections utilize the ‘TCP port 443’, while HTTP connections (not secure ones) use ‘port 80’.

Typically Used TCP Ports

To configure and manage a web hosting account, you must know the number of standard services, such as the SSL port:

TCP Ports

Working of HTTPS and SSL

HTTPS is not a separate protocol from HTTP but creates a secure HTTP connection using SSL. Installing an SSL certificate on the web server is essential to establish a secure internet connection. The SSL certificate validates the organization’s identity to activate the HTTPS protocol, ensuring safe data transmission between the web server and the web browser.

Differentiating Certificates and Protocols

Understanding the difference between two crucial components of secure internet communication is essential: the protocol and the certificate.

The HTTPS protocol encrypts and securely transmits data over the internet. It acts as a gateway, protecting the data from prying eyes.

On the other hand, an SSL certificate is used for authentication when a user sends information over a secure connection. However, it’s important to note that the connection’s security is not solely determined by the certificate but also by the server’s configuration.

So, while the protocol and the certificate are essential for secure communication, they serve different purposes and should not be confused with one another.

What differentiates SSL from TLS?

TLS, which stands for Transport Layer Security, is an advanced version of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL was initially developed by Netscape in 1995 and released as “SSL 2.0.” Over time, SSL was updated to improve its security features, leading to TLS 1.0 in 1999 as an upgrade to SSL 3.0. Since then, TLS has become the primary encryption technology to secure data transmitted over internet connections SSL.

Despite its prominence, SSL is often used as a generic term for both SSL and TLS. TLS offers several improvements over SSL, including stronger encryption algorithms and more robust security protocols. Although SSL remains in use, experts generally recommend TLS for improved security.

SSL ports are essential. WHY?

Understanding the importance of SSL ports is essential for ensuring a secure connection for your website. While HTTP is an unsecured connection, HTTPS offers a more secure option for transmitting data. Google’s Transparency Report indicates that over 70% of web pages in the US are loaded through HTTPS on Google Chrome.

One of the primary reasons your SSL port is critical is that it can affect the security of your website. Hence, ensuring that your website is on a secure port, such as HTTPS, is recommended for better security and protection of your users’ data. Using HTTPS can provide a secure connection for your users and prevent data breaches or cyber-attacks.

Enhance the security of your website with SSL 

Websites face various security threats, including cybercrime and digital eavesdropping. This makes it difficult for cybercriminals to monitor network activity and steal sensitive user information such as login credentials and personal details. However, you can safeguard your website from such attacks by using SSL. By enabling HTTPS on your website, you add an extra layer of security, encrypting the data transmitted between your website and the user’s browser.

HTTPS Importance for PCI Compliance 

Using HTTPS for your website adds an extra layer of security and is crucial for compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards when collecting credit or debit card information. 

HTTPS for Faster Web Pages loading

HTTPS is not just a secure connection for your website, but it is a less-known fact that it also has a positive impact on the page load times of your website.

HTTPS creates a trustworthy browsing experience

Moreover, online users are becoming increasingly aware of website security and are less likely to trust a website without proper security measures. If your website lacks an SSL certificate and is labelled as “not secure,” customers may hesitate to provide sensitive information like personal and payment details. This could result in lost sales and negatively impact your online reputation. Furthermore, major web browsers such as Google Chrome indicate a website’s security status through a padlock icon or the word “secure,” making it essential to have a secure website to create a trustworthy browsing experience for your users.

SSL to boost SEO

HTTPS is a preferred protocol by Google and other search engines, and it’s a critical element for your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. SSL can enhance your website’s SEO performance by providing an added layer of security and trustworthiness. By migrating your website from HTTP to HTTPS, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  1. Increased ranking: Websites using HTTPS are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) than non-HTTPS websites.
  2. Enhanced user experience: SSL encryption provides secure and faster communication between servers and browsers, improving the overall user experience.
  3. Improved trust and credibility: By securing your website with SSL, you can demonstrate that you are taking the necessary measures to protect your users’ data and provide a trustworthy online environment.

How to purchase an SSL certificate for my website? 

If you want to secure your website with an SSL certificate, Ucartz is a Certificate Authority that can provide you with the necessary solution. Ucartz offers free SSL certificates with shared hosting packages and a range of SSL certificates suitable for your website. Our technical team will guide you through the installation process after you purchase an SSL certificate.

Having SSL on your website is not just a security measure, but it also boosts the trustworthiness of your website. With HTTPS, your website is validated, and visitors can be sure they are accessing a simple site, not a fake one. Moreover, many web browsers now display warnings when a user is trying to access an unsecured website, which can scare potential visitors away from your site.

In conclusion, enabling SSL on your website is a simple and effective way to protect your site from digital threats and enhance the user’s trust in your brand.

Kirti S

Kirti S